Diabetes is a chronic lifelong illness, which occurs when the level of glucose (sugar) in the blood is too high and the body cannot use it properly.
This leads to accumulation of sugar in blood, and patients develop diabetes if the body does not produce enough insulin, and/or is against it.
First Type
Type 1 diabetes occurs when the body suddenly stops producing the insulin …Patient of this type is categorized as insulin dependent
Second Type
Type 2 diabetes results from unhealthy behaviors and lifestyles, which is the most common type in the State of Qatar. It can be prevented.
Third Type
Type 3 diabetes occurs during pregnancy for pregnant mothers.
There are more types… But they are rare
Factors increase risk of diabetes
Non-adjustable risk factors (Having genetic factors that motivate diabetes, especially among close relatives - Aging)
Modifiable Risk Factors (Manageable) (Weight- Highly seated, low-moving lifestyles- High levels of fat or cholesterol in your blood as a result Poor diet – high blood pressure – smoking and tobacco)
National strategy to prevent diabetes...... Why?
The strategy aims to formulate a vision for the future health care of diabetes patients, and a description of ways to improve health and quality of life in the State of Qatar by bringing our vision Preventing Diabetes Together)
- Diabetes.......... The most important health challenges in the State of Qatar
2015... The global rate of diabetes is 8%. And in Qatar. 17%
- If all necessary actions are not taken to prevent diabetes, this proportion will double in the 35-60 age group by 2.5 by 2045.
Current Status and Present Situation
State obligations to citizens and residents of the State of Qatar
We believe that everyone has the right to receive high-quality, patient-centered health care. We pledge, through the National Diabetes Control Strategy, the following:
- Investing a great deal of time and energy to increase public awareness of diabetes, enhance prevention and support people to maintain healthy lifestyles.
- Ensure that all segments of society have information about diabetes easily, as well as clarity and consistency of the main messages of diabetes awareness campaigns.
- Ensuring that every patient gets health education about diabetes appropriate to it and of the highest quality and enabling each patient to manage health in the most appropriate manner.
- Providing high-quality, accessible services that save time and effort for every person through a new caring model and ambition
- Build and maintain a strong and empowered workforce of health professionals to apply the future model of diabetes care, and have a solid understanding of diabetes and diabetes care options.
- Developing interactive information systems that support work harmony and information exchange
- Investing in setting the international standard in diabetes research
To implement these commitments, the State has developed an ambitious program to implement it through six strategic pillars that represent a future model of care.
The Aim of Strategy
Developing a future vision for health care of diabetes patients, and describing methods to improve health and quality of life in Qatar through achieving our vision " Preventing Diabetes Together "
Factors that increase the risk of diabetes.
- Adjustable/manageable risk factors.
- Non-adjustable risk factors.
Diabetes prevention factors
Current gaps in the health system in relation to diabetes
Awareness and Prevention
- Asymmetries in the type, quality and content of information available, which means that information is not always complete, or not easy to understand.
- Prevention and awareness initiatives are not concerted and do not benefit from the successes of some.
- Channels used for prevention and awareness programs and materials are changing, and channels that people have told us they prefer are still low in use.
Patient Empowerment and Learning:
- There are no standardized patient education courses, which make it difficult for patients to address their cases.
- Education and knowledge for diabetes patients is not complete or appropriate.
- There is not enough quality training for diabetic or community volunteers
Provision of Healthcare:
- The lack of clear ways to seek and obtain services results leads patients to go to the hospital repeatedly when they need support or lose their incentive to seek more care
- Patients do not always get proper care in terms of quality and timing
- Poor joint work and difficulties in exchanging patient information between health facilities
- The difference in the way appointments lead to the risk of losing information or patients not receiving the necessary care
- There is a difference in the ways in which diabetes guidelines, protocols, and pathways are used by healthcare professionals.
Human-Resources Capacity:
- Very few counselors, nurses, care coordinators, and community volunteers in the field of diabetes, and insufficient numbers of manpower in general to meet the growing needs of patients
- The roles of specialists working in diabetes care are often unclear
- Insufficient training courses offered to employees in the field of diabetes
- The limited number of qualified graduates in the field of diabetes care
Information Management:
- Lack of coordination in storing, exchanging and managing data, which prevents healthcare professionals and service users from obtaining the information they need
- Lack of coordination in collecting complete patient data during care sessions
- Data transmission is slow, complicated and often manual
Weak coordination required to develop national research strategies or to lead, coordinate and organize research institutions
Limited knowledge and resources exchange between institutions.
- Weak coordination required to develop national research strategies or to lead, coordinate and organize research institutions
- Limited knowledge and resources exchange between institutions.
Means of treating diabetes at the national level
- We do not currently have the capacity or infrastructure to provide the optimal care for a diabetic patient that citizens and residents need and deserve in the State of Qatar, and if diabetes prevalence increases in the way that is currently expected, we will face a serious challenge in the coming years.
- - The State of Qatar urgently needs a national strategy to prevent any future increase in new cases and new complications, and to improve its national capabilities in prevention, service delivery, and research.
- The implementation of a comprehensive program to prevent this disease through the national strategy to combat diabetes is the only way to stop this expected rise in the rate of disease spread
- - Because the population of the State of Qatar is relatively small and geographically restricted, it is possible to implement a coherent change program with strong leadership through this strategy, and this will have the ingredients for success to achieve the vision of the State of Qatar represented together to prevent diabetes.
Building future services for care of diabetes patients
The National Diabetes Control Strategy has chosen the phrase " Preventing Diabetes Together " as a statement to its vision, because prevention and complications of diabetes require continued cooperation and coordination of health care professionals, patients, patient families, mentors, community leaders, researchers and all programs that affect the lifestyle and behavior of our population.
Objectives and results:
- Raise public awareness and improve patient empowerment.
- Prevention of disease and reduction of disease development.
- Providing high-quality care to diabetes patients.
- Development of a program for informatics and diabetes research.
To achieve these goals:
By 2019: A national program to screen all adult populations for diabetes will be launched by 2020.
By 2020: All healthcare professionals receive ongoing education about caring of diabetes patients.
By 2022: Provide an annual health plan for all those who have been screened and at risk of becoming ill.
The implementation of this strategy reduces diabetes and its complications, contributing to improving the health and quality of life by 2022...
Six Strategic Pillars
To achieve vision, four groups must be reached:
- Raise public awareness and improve patient empowerment.
- Prevent and delay development of the disease's stages.
- Providing high-quality care to diabetes patients.
- Development of information systems and research program for diabetes patients.
How will the Strategy be implemented?
The National Diabetes Control Committee was formed in 2013 to oversee the formulation and implementation of the National Diabetes Strategy in Qatar 2016-2023, assisted by a number of teams.
The estimated costs of implementing the strategy have been calculated through analysis, a set of key performance indicators has been developed to illustrate the proposed success measures, and these indicators will be monitored during and after implementation of the strategy, and a full set of performance measures will be developed during the next analysis of this program.
The relationship of diabetes strategy to Qatar's national health strategy
The National Diabetes Control Strategy is part of the comprehensive strategy, Qatar National Health Strategy, and its results are well aligned with the National Health Strategy projects.