تشغيل وضع قابل للوصول بشكل أفضل
تخطي أوامر الشريط
التخطي إلى المحتوى الأساسي
إيقاف تشغيل الحركات
تسجيل الدخول

Priority Populations

​​​​​The seven priority population groups have been selected on the basis of the existing demographic and health needs of Qatar's population. They represent the life course of an individual, reflect major events and experiences that may occur in a journey of life, and also take into account significance to the future society, vulnerability and service demand.


Priority Population Groups are: (Icons with links[ND1] )

  1. Healthy Children and Adolescents
  2. Healthy Women Leading to Healthy Pregnancies
  3. Healthy and Safe Employees
  4. Mental Health and Wellbeing​
  5. Improved Health for People with Multiple Chronic Diseases
  6. Health and Wellbeing for People with Special Needs

Healthy Aging

 [ND1]These are the same icons we used earlier. Each one of these will point to a content page, and we mention the text to be placed inside each content page.


صندوق البريد : 42
الهاتف : 44070000
البريد الإلكترونى : GHCC@MOPH.GOV.QA
ساعات العمل الرسمية :
الأحد - الخميس 07:00 ص - 02:00 م

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