The National Cancer Strategy was published in 2011. The aim of the strategy was to not only reduce the incidence of cancer in Qatar but to deliver a high standard of care to those affected by cancer. The strategy focused on developing new, and improving existing infrastructure across the patient pathway from education and awareness, early detection, early diagnosis and providing advanced treatment options as well as providing excellent end of life care where needed
62 recommendations were made and at the time of the close of the strategy (2016), 36 standards had been fully implemented with significant progress made against the remaining 26. Where appropriate, work continues in these areas in the context of the National Cancer Framework – a good example of this is the National Cancer Screening Programme
A review of the National Cancer Strategy published at the end of 2016 highlighted the positive impact the National Cancer Strategy has made on cancer care in Qatar. The review concluded that in order to continue to pursue world class services, a refreshed strategy should be developed to build on achievements and to set targets and standards for the next 5 years
Key Achievements
The original National Cancer Strategy recommendations focused largely on the organization of services, improving access, Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT) working, improved treatment planning and the workforce
Some of the key achievements across MoPH, PHCC and HMC were:
- 14 specialty based MDT meetings established and developed
- Introduction of new roles – clinical nurse specialists and patient pathway coordinators as well as support for increasing sub-specialization
- Improved access – increase in the number of patients being seen within 48 hours of referral; increase in the number of patients receiving their first definitive treatment within 14 days of diagnosis
- Established palliative care service with dedicated 10 bedded unit
- Established National Cancer Registry
- Development and publication of 14 clinical management guidelines
- Population based screening for breast and bowel cancer commenced
National Cancer Framework
The National Cancer Framework published in May 2017 renews the commitment to continue to develop services to become amongst the best in the world. The framework makes clear the need for the health system to work together to align around a clear vision and programme of work.
- The framework focuses on the future landscape and is made up of:
9 domains – which reflect the patient pathway milestones and the enablers of cancer care
61 guiding activities
25 success measures

Each of the guiding activities and success measures has a lead organization which will be accountable for delivery; there will be a need to ensure strategic integration and collaboration between the agencies involved – PHCC, MoPH, HMC, QCRP, private providers, Qatar Cancer Society – as there are multiple cross overs and co-dependencies with other national work streams e.g. Public Health Strategy, National Health Strategy 2
The National Cancer Framework – focus and priority
- There is a need to continue developing complex specialty services and innovative services for example, cyberknife and transplantation to ensure that patients can undergo all aspects of their treatment in Qatar rather than travelling abroad
- Timely access to new drugs and technology delivered through MDT treatment planning and in line with clinical management guidelines will contribute to improvements in outcomes that can be measured
- There will be a greater focus on the patient experience throughout the care pathway and this should inform service development&
- There must be improved access to clinical trials for patients as well as improvements in the infrastructure and investment in the research agenda
- The use and quality of data should be improved and there are a number of new registries proposed
- There must be ongoing investment in the development of the specialist workforce
Next Steps
An Evolving Framework