Our Vision
To be the leader in transforming the health and wellbeing of people's lives in Qatar.
We will achieve this vision by transforming the way health care is provided in Qatar. To enable this, we will strengthen our engagement with key partners across the health system to shift the balance of care from curative, hospital-based treatment to enhanced preventative, health and wellness services in the community. This will better align health care and resources toward an approach of person-centered, integrated care, with a focus on empowering people to make informed decisions for their health.
Our Values
- Efficiency and Quality
- Leadership and Collaboration
- Inclusion and Diversity
- Teamwork and Respect* Empowerment
Our values are the fundamental guiding principles of our organization. They enable us to operate as an elite organization, create a great working environment, and support a capable and empowered workforce to provide the best possible care and support for people and families.
Our Mission
To deliver comprehensive, integrated and coordinated person-centered health care services in the community through focusing on disease prevention, healthy lifestyles and wellness. In partnership with our stakeholders, we will improve the health and wellbeing of our population.
Our Mission concludes who we are and what we do.
As the preferred primary health care provider in Qatar, we are focused on providing excellent health care services in our PHCC health centers based in the community, centered on disease prevention, healthy lifestyles and wellness. To enable this, we will continue to strengthen our partnerships with our key stakeholders to improve the health and wellbeing of people and families.
Our Service Vision
Our Success Model:
We Shaped around our vision, mission, and values, our five-year strategic plan addresses several target areas, which are all designed to achieve person-centered goals as seen in the diagram below:
Our Strategic Context, Aims, and Priority Areas
Strategic Context
Qatar National Vision 2030
To transform Qatar into an advanced society capable of achieving sustainable development by 2030.
National Development Strategy 2018-2022
National Health Strategy 2018 – 2022
Our Health is Our Future
Primary Health Care Corporation Corporate Strategic Plan 2019 – 2023
A Healthier Future for Our Families(To be confirmed by the primary Health Care Corporation Communication Department.)
Better Health:
Enhanced health and quality of life for the people of Qatar through an aligned system that works in partnership to define and address population health needs.
Better Care:
Genuinely patient-centered, high quality care, accessible closer to home, and delivered in an integrated and coordinated way
Better Value:
Improved value from healthcare expenditure that efficiently and effectively produces better population health outcomes.
Priority Areas
7 Priority Populations(7 Categories)
The National Health Strategy 2022-2018 identifies seven priority categories, selected based on current population statistics and the health needs of Qatar's population.
These priority population categories are:
- Healthy children and adolescents
- Healthy women leading to healthy pregnancies
- Healthy and safe employees
- Mental health and wellbeing
- Improved health for people with multiple chronic conditions
- Health and wellbeing for people with special needs
- Healthy ageing
6 Priority Areas(6 Fields)
20 Strategic Goals
80 Strategic Activities

Corporate Strategy Framework
Building on the success of the National Primary Health Care Strategy, and aligned to the goals of the NHS 2018- 2022 and IHI's Triple Aim framework of Better Health, Better Care and Better Value, PHCC's strategic plan comprises six key priority areas, 20 strategic goals, and 80 strategic activities
Of the six priority areas, two are patient-centered programs – High Quality Integrated Family Medicine Model of Care and Focus on Preventative Health, while the remaining four – Highly Skilled and Motivated Workforce, Strong Partnerships with Patients, Families, and Communities, Enhanced Primary Care System and Collaboration for High-Quality Care and Patient Safety, Effective, Innovative Organization – are system enablers that require broader national or corporate level interventions.
Key enabling Factors that will help to achieve an integrated care approach
- High trust relationship Strategize with people at the center
- Skilled Leadership Implementing transformation
- Consistent communication Enabling sustained change
The key principles for Integrated Care are:
- To deliver a “medical home" concept using the Family Medicine Model (FMM) of care, in which each patient has a named family physician, supported by a multidisciplinary team. For patients with complex health needs, a personalized care plan developed with their family physician will be implemented by a nurse-led case manager.
- To be patient and family-centered, and be easily accessible.
- To be clinically led, where clinicians are empowered to take on leadership roles in the design and implementation of integrated care processes
- To be the first and continuing point of access for people, and to focus on prevention, wellness, and effective disease management.
- To encourage a bottom-up approach and to ensure high-quality initiatives that are sustainable across the system.
- To achieve NHS 2018-2022 targets, where performance is monitored and evaluated through health system-level indicators.

5 Year Road Map
Knowing that the health and wellbeing of future generations are founded on how successful our health system is in the next decade, we are committed to ensuring the successful and complete delivery of the corporate strategic plan over the next five years.
Our core services must be delivered in a transformed way, they need to be proactive and routinely planned, and integrated across the whole health care system.
Our implementation roadmap covers the six priority areas and new services planned.
Measuring Our Performance
Measuring Our Performance
5 Year Road Map
Knowing that the health and wellbeing of future generations is founded on how successful our health system is in the next decade, we are committed to ensuring the successful and complete delivery of the corporate strategic plan over the next five years.
Our core services must be delivered in a transformed way, they need to be proactive and routinely planned, and integrated across the whole health care system.
Our implementation roadmap covers the six priority areas and new services planned.
إن معرفة أن صحة الأجيال القادمة ورفاههم يعتمدان على مدى نجاح نظامنا الصحي خلال العقد التالي من الزمن تدفعنا للالتزام بإنجاح خطة المؤسسة الاستراتيجية وإكمال تنفيذها خلال السنوات الخمس القادمة. يجب تقديم خدماتنا الرئيسية بطريقة جديدة بحيث تكون استباقية ومخططة روتينياً ومتكاملة في جميع مجالات نظام الرعاية الصحية.
وتغطي خريطة الطريق الخاصة بالتنفيذ ستة مجالات ذات أولوية، والخدمات الجديدة المخطط لها.
Monitoring our performance is an important element in the implementation of our strategic plan as it helps us improve and raise the levels of our services.
PHCC's monitoring and evaluation system aims to systematically track the implementation of our five-year strategy and measure the effectiveness of our work through improvements in health outcomes and the impact of the plan on people and families.
This system will also ensure that effective development, operations, and quality standards meet the internal and external reporting requirements, and informs future development and planning.