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3 Strategic

NHS-3 will need to deliver on three strategic dimensions to address Qatar’s current health sector challenges across population health, service delivery and system efficiency. To realise its aspirations, NHS-3 will deliver defining system shifts across these three priority areas over the next 7 years.

Delivering Across the 3 Priority Areas

Within the three NHS-3 priority areas a set of 15 system-level challenges were identified. These will be addressed by the delivery of 15 strategic outcomes, supported by a comprehensive set of initiatives, that will support the required shifts and help realize the future state, over the next 7 years.

Qatar Health System: Realizing the Future State

Priority 1

Improved population
health & wellbeing

Focus on individuals and population outcomes

Improved population
health & wellbeing

A shift in behaviors is required towards a population that is more health conscious and empowered to be proactive in their own health management, with a specific focus on the reduction of the high burden of NCDs

Promotion of healthy behaviors: Health is not a top priority on everyone’s agenda, leading to sustained challenges in shifting behaviors towards healthier lifestyles
High burden of NCDs: There is a high prevalence of non-communicable diseases, with comparatively high incidence rates of obesity and diabetes
Future state

Health-conscious population: Shift population behaviors towards healthier lifestyle choices by citizens through the elevation of health literacy, motivating and empowering the population to adopt healthy living

Corresponding initiatives

  • Population health literacy
  • Health promotion
  • Preventive health partner activation

Empowered patients and carers: Support informed and empowered patients in managing their own health conditions. Maintain the physical, mental and social health of carers

Corresponding initiatives

  • Patient self ownership
  • Caregiver support infrastructure

Proactive disease prevention and detection: Further the impact of early disease prevention (e.g., national vaccination campaigns) and detection (e.g., screening high risk population groups for early intervention) to minimize growth in Qatar’s disease burden

Corresponding initiatives

  • Screening program expansion
  • Comprehensive vaccination coverage

Integrated holistic health and wellbeing across all sectors: Embed the health and wellbeing of the population as a core component of all non-health sector strategies, ensuring integration and coordination between stakeholders

Corresponding initiatives

  • Collaboration within and beyond the health sector
  • Occupational health and safety
  • Environmental health & food safety

Priority 2

Excellence in service delivery
and patient experience

Focus on providers, integrated care and patient experience

Excellence in service delivery
and patient experience

Raising public trust in the quality and consistency of care across the system is imperative, supported by the modernization and integration of care delivery

Trust in the quality of care: High levels of repeat visits and leakage of white-collar expats with sustained levels of international patient care
Modernization of care delivery: Inconsistent use of evidence-based approaches to modernizing care delivery and design of patient pathways
Integrated care: Limited integration between primary care (e.g., family doctors and community doctors), hospital-based care and alternative care settings resulting in non-standardized patient journeys and poor experiences
Future state

Modernized and holistic care models, pathways and standards: Strategically design integrated care models, pathways, standards and referral guidelines for specific population groups as well as specific clinical areas along the entire patient journey (from preventative and curative care through to recovery and rehabilitation). Includes system integration, starting in community and primary care settings, coordinated by family physicians and informed by best practice evidence

Corresponding initiatives

  • System integration
  • Healthy children and adolescents
  • Healthy craft and manual workers
  • Special needs
  • Healthy ageing
  • Reproductive health
  • Mental health
  • Chronic care
  • Community step down care and long term care planning

Excellence in community and primary care: Deliver high quality care across community and primary care settings, with a focus on implementation and integration across all care settings, improving patient experience and access

Corresponding initiatives

  • Standardized quality
  • Community step down care and long term care implementation
  • Non-clinical patient experience

Excellence in secondary and tertiary care: Deliver high quality care across secondary and tertiary care settings, with a focus on implementation, patient experience and access

Corresponding initiatives

  • Standardized quality
  • Non-clinical patient experience
  • Centers of Excellence
  • Health tourism program

Priority 3

Health system efficiency
and resilience

Focus on health system enablers

Health system efficiency
and resilience

System sustainability is dependent on the development of critical enablers across governance, financing, digitization, workforce upskilling, innovation and operational efficiency

System governance: Lack of clarity around roles, responsibilities and authority for MoPH and health sector entities to implement sector solutions and reform for national priorities
System sustainability: Increasing share of the government budget attributed to health, for a relatively young population, and a disconnect between money spent and health outcomes
Digitization and data enablement: Unavailability of consistent data, low user satisfaction with existing digital platforms, no unified data lake and low adoption rates, with limited data-driven decision making and low capitalization on the AI revolution
R&D and health innovation: Limited development despite national higher education focus compared to GCC peers
Future state

Robust and effective health system governance: Ensure effective and transparent governance, leadership and management of the health system, with clearly documented authority, responsibility and accountability, to ensure an aligned vision and strategy with the appropriate oversight and regulatory functions

Corresponding initiatives

  • Sector governance and leadership
  • MoPH capacity and capabilities
  • Cross-sectoral collaboration

Digitally enabled health system: Implement digital solutions to deliver new models of care, enhance patient experience and maximize process efficiency

Corresponding initiatives

  • Value based payment models
  • Program based budgeting
  • Financial optimization
  • Strategic health system financial planning

Sustainable healthcare financing model: Ensure healthcare can be delivered sustainably and efficiently, with sector financing in complete alignment with strategic objectives

Corresponding initiatives

  • Digitally-empowered patients
  • Digitally-enhanced clinical quality
  • Digitally-enabled productivity

Data-driven decision making: Consolidate sources of data, data governance and analytics capabilities to enable data driven decision making

Corresponding initiatives

  • Data integration
  • Foundational quality of data
  • Applied health intelligence
  • Data privacy, security and ethics

Excellence in R&D and health innovation: Foster a thriving R&D ecosystem including supportive policies, funding, talent and infrastructure to drive innovation

Corresponding initiatives

  • National research and innovation agenda
  • Innovation ecosystem building
  • Innovation translation in the health system
  • Medicine security & investment in biotechnology industry
  • Governance of new technologies in health

Skilled, motivated and efficient health workforce: Ensure appropriate incentives and processes are in place to attract and retain talent while maintaining optimal workforce allocation

Corresponding initiatives

  • Workforce planning and recruitment effectiveness
  • Workforce upskilling and career development
  • Workforce wellbeing and satisfaction
  • Workforce strategy and policy roadmap

Dynamic health system planning: Apply coordinated holistic planning across all stakeholders in the healthcare ecosystem (public and private) to improve overall efficiency and quality

Corresponding initiatives

  • System demand assessment & management
  • Integrated planning and private sector engagement

Effective emergency preparedness and response: Develop healthcare knowledge, capacity capabilities and organizational systems to anticipate, respond to and recover from emergencies

Corresponding initiatives

  • Operational readiness and governance
  • Surveillance and monitoring
Skilled workforce: System requires a rebalancing of sector workforce skills (including clinical and non-clinical staff) to meet sector needs, with current regulations limiting capability development
Coordinated system planning: Limited coordination across public entities and public-private partnerships resulting in supply-demand mismatches
System efficiency: Low levels of productivity and efficiency across providers leading to sub-optimal patient journeys and poor experiences for patients and health workers

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Official Working Hours : Sunday - Thursday 7:00 AM - 2:00 PM
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Ministry of Public Health, Qatar