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The Aspiration

“A health-focused society​
supported by an integrated health system​
centered on clinical excellence, sustainability ​and innovation”

A Health-Focused Society
​​Physically, mentally and socially healthy individuals across all population groups. An ‘all-of-society’ culture of ownership of the health and wellbeing agenda.
Addressing the health needs of today’s population without compromising future generations financially, environmentally and in terms of sustainability of the sector.
Integrated Health System
Preventative and curative interventions delivered through an integrated health system to support improved wellbeing and health outcomes.​
Increase in local Research and Development and adoption of innovative solutions across both clinical and non-clinical areas.
Clinical Excellence
Highest clinical standards guided by best practice evidence.

​The National Health Strategy 2024-2030 has a clearly defined aspiration to deliver a health-focused society supported by an integrated health system that is centered on clinical excellence, sustainability and innovation.

The launch of the NHS-3 represents the next exciting phase of Qatar’s health journey. The objective of the NHS-3 is to progress the implementation of the NHS-2 while ensuring the necessary strategic pivots are incorporated to address the current and future health sector challenges – to ultimately deliver the very best health outcomes for the people of Qatar.

The long-term vision for Qatar’s health sector is defined at the state strategy level, as part of the human development pillar of Qatar’s National Vision 2030 and within the Healthcare Chapter of National Development Strategy 2024-2030 (NDS-3). Outcomes and initiatives will be guided by and fully aligned with NDS-3 to realize Qatar’s National Vision 2030.


how we got​ here?

NHS-2 has provided a successful framework over the past 5 years by fundamentally changing the thinking towards population groups and their evolving needs within the health system. NHS-2 focused on seven target population groups and five system-wide priorities, and achieved an overall completion rate of 90.3 percent across output targets from 2018 to 2022.

  1. Healthy Children & Adolescents, Healthy Women, Healthy & Safe Employees, Mental Health & Wellbeing, Improved health for people with multiple chronic conditions, Health & Wellbeing for people with special needs, Healthy ageing

  2. Integrated model of high quality care and service delivery, Enhanced health promotions and disease prevention, Enhanced health protection, Health in all polices, Effective system of governance and leadership

Overview of NHS-2’s achievements

Seven Priority Populations​

1- He​althy children and adolescents
  • ​Reduction in the prevalence of dental caries in children
  • Increase in breastfeeding of infants​

2- Healthy women leading to healthy pregnancies
  • ​Implementation of midwifery led services in the public sector
  • Increase in the share of women receiving midwifery care

3- Healthy and safe employees
  • Development of national guidelines for occupational health assessment
  • Implementation of national workplace wellness guidelines

4- Mental health and wellbeing
  • Implementation of a range of community-based mental health awareness campaigns
  • Launch of National Mental Health Helpline

5- Improved health for people with multiple chronic conditions
  • Launch of Qatar Chronic Disease National Profile
  • Standardization of educational materials for patient education for multiple conditions​

6- Health and wellbeing for people with special needs
  • Increase in the capacity of existing workforce with a focus on autism and early intervention

7- Healthy aging
  • Easy access to care for elderly through elderly urgent care units and acute geriatric inpatient units
  • Establishment of a health literacy website and health literacy awareness programs for elderly

Across all population groups, key achievements included direct positive impact on patient outcomes as well as the development of multiple policies, national guidelines, training and public education initiatives. Similarly, the five system priorities led to significant achievements to sustain NHS-2’s health outcomes over the long term.

The achievements across NHS-2’s 12 priority areas have also provided a strong foundation on which NHS-3 will build, with a rigorous focus on implementation that is supported by a set of critical enablers, including a robust governance approach.

Five system-wide priorities

1- Integrated model of high quality care and service delivery
  • Launch of Community Call Center in 2020
  • Establishment of General Pediatric Clinics across seven PHCC Regional Specialist Centers

2- Enhanced health promotion and disease prevention
  • Development of National Health Literacy Framework and Action Plan
  • Opening of ten integrated clinics focusing on tobacco dependence

3- Enhanced health protection
  • Launch of Antimicrobial Stewardship Program across all hospitals in Qatar
  • Implementation of National Electronic Communicable Diseases surveillance and vaccination registration system

4- Health in all policies
  • Development of a HiAP Policy Framework to address child obesity in urban centers
  • Promotion of physical activity in the society with a cross-entity collaboration model including local and global partner entities

5- Effective system of governance and leadership
  • Launch of digital health solutions (e.g., virtual consultation and symptom checker were implemented
  • Development of Qatar’s new Health Insurance Scheme


​To inform the design of NHS-3 ​and ensure all work currently in the ecosystem was effectively assessed and duly incorporated, over 300 existing projects across the ecosystem were analyzed. In addition, interviews and topic-specific workshops were conducted with participation across key stakeholder groups including patient representatives from across populations, health system stakeholders and leaders, topic experts, local organizations and NHS-2 Committee executives. The inputs from these interactions complemented findings from the baselining diagnostic conducted across key system themes including care delivery, population health, workforce and funding. National health strategy benchmarks and insights from current trends shaping health system across the globe were also incorporated. 

With these valuable inputs and the insights derived from the successes of NHS-2, NHS-3 builds on the progress made to date by closely following three design principles:

  • Ensuring continuity of NHS-2

  • Prioritizing patient experience at every stage of the sector’s evolution over the next 7 years

  • Supporting Qatar’s economic diversity agenda.

These principles serve as a checklist for NHS-3’s articulation at every level.​

Ecosystem stakeholders engaged with 1:1 interviews and topic-specific workshops
Experts and stakeholders engaged across 1-on-1 interviews and topic-specific workshops with participation across Qatari organizations (e.g., Ministry of Public Health, Hamad Medical Corporation, Primary Health Care Corporation, Qatar Petroleum, Qatar Red Crescent Society) and patient representatives
Projects and initiatives reviewed across ecosystem
Projects, initiatives and strategies analyzed across ecosystem (Qatar National Vision 2030, Qatar National Development Strategy 2018- 2022, National Health Strategy 2018-2022 as well as National Health Plans and Programs)
Metrics analyzed in baselining diagnostic
Metrics analyzed across key system components (e.g., national disease burden, care delivery and workforce, funding, research outputs etc.) to detail future state implications​
International system strategies benchmarked
National health strategies benchmarked and global healthcare trends analyzed and insights drawn in the context of NHS 2023-2030​

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Official Working Hours : Sunday - Thursday 7:00 AM - 2:00 PM
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Ministry of Public Health, Qatar